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Cookie Policy

Dear user,

Farmhouse l'Aquila with fiscal domicile in Arbus (SU), via Vincenzo Bellini, 36, 09031 (hereinafter, the "Company" or the "Owner" ), which can be contacted by email at, provides this cookie policy, with the aim of illustrating the types and purposes of the cookies used by the company's website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") and to explain how to manage your preferences regarding the use of cookies .

The personal data protection officer ( "DPO" ) is the administrator who can be contacted for all matters relating to the processing of personal data and the exercise of users' rights provided for by the privacy information and by the legislation on the processing of personal data to the Company's email. 


The Sites use cookies, internet tags and similar technologies (hereinafter jointly referred to as "cookies"), which are technically small files containing packets of information sent by a web server to the visitor/user's Internet browser and automatically stored by the latter on the device (personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) and automatically sent back to the server at each subsequent access to the site. The cookie can only be used by the web server that issued it (or by any third parties with whom it was originally shared); this means, for example, that the cookies generated by the Company cannot be read by servers managed by third parties. The cookie is then re-read and recognized by the website that sent it each time a subsequent connection is made. Internet tags (also known as tracking pixels, action tags, web beacons, single-pixel GIFs, 


Cookies are useful as they allow the user's browsing preferences to be memorized and therefore customize the Sites according to their needs, improving the users' browsing experiences. For example, cookies can make the use of the Sites more immediate and/or enable certain features. For example, cookies can allow you to avoid re-entering the same information several times during the visit. In certain cases, cookies can also make advertising displayed online more relevant to you or relevant to your interests.

Some cookies are necessary for the correct provision of the Sites or useful for a personalized use of the same; in this case, their inhibition could compromise some features of the Sites. Furthermore, thanks to cookies, the Company can publish on its Sites, directly or through third parties, advertisements in line with your interests, inferred on the basis of your online activities and your browsing habits. 


The cookies used on the Sites can be distinguished by the following criteria:

to. Based on the entity that manages the cookies:   
i) proprietary or first-party cookies: these cookies are installed and managed directly by the Owner through the Sites;   
ii) third-party cookies: these cookies are generated, installed through the Sites, and managed by third parties other than the Company;   

b. Based on the time in which they remain active:   
i) session cookies: these cookies keep the necessary information during the browsing session and are canceled immediately after the session expires, or when the browser is closed;   
ii) persistent cookies: these cookies are stored on the hard disk of the device that the user is using for navigation and the Sites read them every time the user makes a new visit. A persistent cookie has a specific expiration date, after which it will stop working.   

c. Based on the purposes pursued:   
i) technical cookies: these are cookies necessary to allow the user to navigate on the Sites and take advantage of the relative functions. Without these cookies some services or functions could not be provided and navigation on the Sites would not be easy and functional;   
ii) analytics cookies: these are cookies used to obtain statistical information, in aggregate or not, on the number of users who access the Sites and on how the Sites are used;   
iii) profiling cookies: these are cookies used to trace a user profile in order to display advertisements that may be in line with your interests, as they are consistent with your tastes, interests and consumption habits.   


Below are the categories of cookies used by the Sites.


This type of cookie allows certain sections of the Sites to function correctly and is essential to allow the user to navigate within the Sites and use their functions. Technical cookies are used, for example, to recognize the user who has logged in to his e-mail box and keep the session open even when he visits other pages of the Sites, or to ensure certain security measures of the Sites and monitor their correct functioning.

Technical cookies can be of two categories:

  • navigation cookies: they guarantee the normal use of the Sites and are usually session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed; these cookies are necessary for the Site to function and cannot be deactivated in our systems. If you reject these cookies by changing your browser settings, we cannot guarantee the functioning and performance of the Site during your visit.
  • functionality cookies: they allow you to navigate on the Sites according to a series of selected criteria (e.g. the language or country of origin) in order to improve the services rendered on the Site. These are persistent cookies, which remain on the user's device even after the browser is closed, until the expiry date set for each cookie (typically from two months to two years) or until they are canceled by the user. If you refuse these cookies it will not be possible to use the navigation features mentioned above which could impact the performance of the Sites and your browsing experience.

Technical cookies are not used for purposes other than those mentioned above.

In the event that the user consents to the installation of cookies, the Owner will keep track of this consent through a specific technical cookie. In this way, it will be possible to avoid re-presenting the cookie banner on future visits to the Site. You can disable technical cookies through the browser settings, as specified below in this cookie policy, or in the case of third-party technical cookies by accessing the information and consent forms of this third party via the links shown in the table below. However, disabling these cookies could compromise the correct navigation and functionality of the Site. 


Cookies in this category are released to improve: interaction with data collection platforms and online surveys, viewing content from external platforms and interaction with social networks. These cookies could be used by the Sites and the contents could be shared with external platforms only at the request of the user and with his prior consent to the release of the cookies themselves. The user is free to give his consent to the installation of cookies to improve the experience and revoke it at any time, through the Consent Management Platform - CMP (as specified below in the cookie policy), without compromising the possibility of visiting the Site and using its contents.


Cookies in this category are used to collect statistical information, in aggregate or not, on the use of the Sites by users who access the Sites and on the way in which they navigate on the Sites.

The Site uses this information to obtain anonymous statistical analysis in order to improve its use by users and to make its contents more in line with the wishes of visitors. Some cookies are used to calculate the value of the advertising offer, identify individual advertising messages and know which ones have been selected and when. As required by applicable legislation, the user's prior consent is required for the installation of third-party analytical cookies. In the event that you give your consent to the installation of analytical cookies, the Owner will keep track of this consent through a specific technical cookie. In this way, it will be possible to avoid repeating the cookie banner during future visits to the Site.

The user is free to give his consent to the installation of analytical cookies and withdraw it at any time, however, if you do not consent to these cookies, the Owner will not know when you have visited the Sites and will not be able to improve their performance. To find out how to do it, the user can read the information on third-party cookies by clicking on the links shown in the table below.

Analytical cookies are sent from the Site itself or from third-party domains/websites. Below is a list of analytical cookies currently used on the Sites:



When the user accesses the Sites, and has the browser set to accept cookies, he can express his preferences regarding the various types of cookies through the pop-up banner displayed on the pages of the Sites. These preferences will be recorded in a special technical cookie to allow the user to exercise his choices in a granular way. It will be possible to give or deny consent to various types of cookies, both issued directly by the Company and by its partners and suppliers; this means that it is not necessary to express a preference for each single cookie or for each third party, although the choice for single third party is still directly allowed. The different types of cookies are identified and classified on the basis of the purposes for which the cookies are released and used,

In particular, when the user accesses the Sites, through the popup banner you can choose to:

  • accept the installation of all the categories of cookies listed above, by clicking on the "Accept and close" button;
  • choose which categories of cookies to accept or reject based on the purposes, or based on the third party, by selecting or deselecting them individually via the CMP, by clicking on the "Customize" button;
  • continue browsing without accepting non-strictly necessary cookies with the consequent display of random rather than personalized generalist advertising, by clicking on the "Continue without accepting" button. 


In the event that the user has already expressed your preferences and therefore does not see the popup banner when accessing the Sites, he can access the dedicated page at any time and change his choices in relation to cookies.  


By default, almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. By changing the settings of the browser used, the user can decide to subordinate the installation of any type of cookie to his prior consent or to completely prevent their installation. The configuration of each browser is different. Below are more detailed instructions for managing cookies by the user for the most popular browsers. Browser manufacturers may update or modify the references of the links below from time to time, so it is recommended to always check the instructions provided by the manufacturers of the browsers used to understand how to set cookies.

To delete cookies from the Internet browser of your smartphone/tablet, please refer to the device user manual.

Google Chrome


Microsoft Edge








You can also visit, which contains comprehensive information on how to prevent the installation of cookies on a variety of desktop browsers.

In any case, the user is advised to check, from time to time, the indications of their browser, as well as the information and policies relating to the use of cookies drawn up by third parties, as referred to above, also for the purpose of becoming aware of any changes made to them by the respective suppliers and independent of the Company.

For further information, also regarding the user's rights, how to exercise them or how to contact the Company and the DPO, please consult the information on the processing of personal data available in the footer of the Sites. 


This cookie policy may undergo changes over time, also in connection with the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or technological innovations. Such changes will be communicated via the Sites.

Cookies usati nel sito


Required functional

Cookie name Default expiration time Description
SSESS<ID> 1 month If you are logged in to this website, a session cookie is required to identify and connect your browser to your user account in the server backend of this website.
cookiesjsr 1 year When you visited this website for the first time, you were asked for your permission to use several services (including those from third parties) that require data to be saved in your browser (cookies, local storage). Your decisions about each service (allow, deny) are stored in this cookie and are reused each time you visit this website.

Processor Company Details

Linas Eventi di Antonella Floris
Data Protection Contact Details


All cookie information is subject to change by the service providers. We update this information regularly.
Cookie settings
L'Aquila farmhouse, entering Costa Verde, in Arbus (SU) countryside in Sardinia.

Hidden in the wild Costa Verde, between mountain and sea, in Arbus (SU) countryside.

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